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Uta Mueller

Native German Language Instructor

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Effectively – Individually

Motivating – Inspiring  – Intercultural

Demonstrated success in German Language Training with Diplomats, highly skilled managers and leaders in famous German companies. Recognized for motivating, inspiring and adapting classes. Fun­damental knowledge of the German language, culture, history and current affairs.


With my knowledge as a native german language Instructor and business experience I will improve your language and intercultural skills to be successful in your job.


Single or small group courses


  • classical face-to-face sessions

  • distance-learning in virtual class rooms

all over the world – wherever you are



Your Success is my Goal

  • "Hello!  I'm Uta", a native German, born 1962 in Kassel

  • living on Cape Breton Island in Nova Scotia, Canada

  • I love teaching, I love languages, I love travelling

In a nutshell: I'm Your professional language instructor to reach your personal and business goals all over the world. It doesn´t matter, where you are right now.

Corporate language training via distance learning

or exclusively face-to-face


Virtual training could be a great opportunity. For example on Zoom, Skype, Adobe Connect or specialized language learning platforms.

If you prefer face-to-face, hire me exclusively. Everything is possible – depending on your individual  learning style and schedule.

Experienced in business I will support you in writing letters, prepare presentations, webinars or telephone conferences.


I will strengthen your cross cultural business behaviour, etiquette and communication – and real life as well.

For beginners, advanced learners

or high level communicators


starting to say Hallo and Guten Tag, I will support you to overcome the first obstacles. with advanced communicators we maintain your level, improve your language skills and discover new topics.


Teaching on the language levels A1 to C2 of the International standard for describing language ability (CEFR). Strategic preparing for tests and exams.


I especially enjoy teaching German in an intercultural context and not only from the language perspective, but with the background of German culture, history, business, and everyday life.


My focus is on learning styles, personal interests and needs of my customers with up-to-date methods and material.

More on request


about me

Professional Experience


German Language Instructor, teaching diplomats for their postings in German speaking countries. Face-to-face as well as distance learning.

(since December 2019)


German language trainer in famous companies like Daimler Benz AG (Germany) or Porsche AG, teaching leaders and managers from the US, Peru, Russia, South Korea, India, China, Spain, Bulgaria.

(since October 2016)


President of the publishing house Ocean of Minds Media House Ltd. (Incorporated in Nova Scotia in 2017)


Editor and Program Manager in a huge German Publishing group.

(from 1993 to 2016)


High School Teacher at a private school in Giessen, Germany.

(from 1991 to 1993)

Certificates and Trainings in Teaching

German as a Foreign Language


License as a Language Examiner (writing), DSD 1 and DSD 2, Bundesverwaltungsamt – Zentral­stelle für das Auslands-schulwesen (Central Agency for schools abroad – Federal Republic of Germany)


Telc, License as a language examiner (A1 and A2), Germany


Which digital solution suits me?, Webinar, Ernst Klett-Sprachen, Germany                                               


Suddenly online, Webinar, Goethe-Institut, Toronto, Canada


Online lessons. Tips and tricks for using course books, Webinar, Ernst-Klett-Sprachen, Germany


Literature, Creative Writing and Performance in German Language Training, Webinar, Hueber Verlag, Germany


Empowering students with blended learning, Webinar, Ernst-Klett-Sprachen, Germany


Future Developments in Language Training, kmp Sprachen-service, Germany


A variety of trainings at Ernst-Klett-Sprachen, Hueber Verlag and Cornelsen Verlag, Germany


More on request

Academic Degrees


Scientific Examination to Qualify as a High School Teacher (German and History).

(from 1989 to 1991)


Bachelor´s and Master´s Degree in German Literature and Linguistics as well as History at the Universities of Goettingen and Heidelberg.

(from 1981 to 1989)



Ms. Mueller is a passionate and committed German language teacher, who is flexible and patient, to adapt the class structure to fit my interests. For example she included new diverse topics periodically into the class related to automotive industry, electric vehicles and reading material from different broachers from which I learned a lot by reading and understanding the German text and writing the substance of the topic in my own words.

The German class is very motivating because Ms. Mueller just not only followed the book, but she also incorporated modern teaching methods like augmented reality into her daily teaching. She has a fundamental knowledge of German Vocabulary and grammar which she is able to explain and articulate as part of her lecture. To sum everything up Ms. Uta Mueller is a great teacher and I recommend her for any German language teaching positions.


C. P., Ph.D., India

Principal Cyber Security Architect

Daimler-Benz AG

This is with reference to my A2 course which you have taken very well to fulfill all my requirements for business and my stay here in Germany. You are really good not only teaching in course material, but to discuss other topics during training.

It was nice to talk a lot about some cultural topics beyond the boundaries of our countries and I liked that most during our training. I appreciate your overall knowledge other than German and support that helped me time to time even though I was not your Student for that time.


A. G., India


Daimler-Benz AG

Als eine Deutschlehrerin verfügt Frau Müller über ausgezeichnetes Wissen über Rechtsschreibung und Grammatik der deutschen Sprache. Weiterhin hat sie immer reichliche Lehrmaterialien vor jedem Unterricht bereitgestellt, die meinem Sprachniveau sehr gut entsprachen. Durch ihre verantwortungsvolle Betreuung und den abwechslungsreichen Lehrinhalt fühle ich mich sehr wohl, mit ihr Deutsch zu reden.

Außerdem ist Frau Müller in der Lage, das Lernen mit hohen Engagement professionell, motivierend und effektiv zu halten. Ich würde mich sehr freuen, wenn ich noch mehr Zeit mit ihr verbringen könnte. Aufgrund ihres informativen und dennoch entspannenden Deutschunterrichts möchte ich sie vorbehaltlos weiterempfehlen.


J. Z., China


Daimler-Benz AG

I have learned German-Language with Uta Mueller at level B1/B1+. Uta Mueller is a creative and passionate German-Language trainer, who patiently picked up my own demands, interests and individual questions. With a long experience in a Publishing house she especially promoted my German Language in my Job as a Designer.

Therefore the German-Language-Training was very motivating and successful. Uta Mueller did not only use educational books but different material as well. She has a Fundamental knowledge of vocabulary, style of speech and grammar and taught this in a variety of interesting situations. I can surely recommend Uta Mueller as a very open and Professional Language trainer, hoping to continue lessons with her in the near future.


L. C., Bulgaria


Daimler-Benz AG

Frau Müller "trainiert" mich auf dem Level C 1. Sie ist sowohl Deutschlehrerin als auch Lektorin und bringt über 20 Jahre business-Erfahrung in der Verlagsbranche mit. Außerdem kennt sie sich sehr gut in der deutschen Geschichte und Kultur aus. Deshalb hat sie mich von Anfang an mit interessanten Themen und Büchern motiviert. Etliche Literatur lese ich nun auch privat zuhause und verbessere auf diese Weise sowohl Wortschatz als auch Redewendungen.

Meine grammatischen Schwächen hat Frau Müller gezielt analysiert und ist mit Grammatikübungen darauf eingegangen. Ferner hat sie meine beruflichen Bedürfnisse aufgegriffen. Deshalb bin ich auch Schulungen und Präsentationen mit ihr durchgegangen und habe von ihren Kenntnissen profitiert. Die Lernatmosphäre ist immer sehr positiv und angenehm.


P. S., Russland


Porsche AG

First of all, we are very happy to see a nice tutor Frau Uta Müller. She has a strong commitment spirit with proactive leadership. She also has a very good knowledge about history of Europe. Definitely, we respect his depth of knowledge. This kind of wide knowledge is very helpful us to understand root of German language. We strongly believe that she is one of the best solution to learn German language as beginner.


Mrs. Lim and Mr. Kim, South Korea



45-minute-lesson for free



due to my experience with high skilled business people, diplomats, leaders and managers, I welcome you into  my class room. Let's connect by telephone or video-conference. Enjoy the first 45-minute-lesson in German – for free. 


I invite you to contact me by e-mail:


Uta Mueller

Native German Language Instructor


Ocean of Minds Media House Ltd.

R.R. #2

River Denys, Nova Scotia B0E 2Y0


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